sábado, setembro 25, 2004

Besides the film festival

Yes, I know that there is much more happening in town than this huge film festival! So, here are some things going on in Rio

- The samba clubs in Lapa: they are always a must go! I like expecially Carioca da Gema, Dama da Noite and Memórias do Rio. Carioca is at Ave. Men de Sá, two blocks from the big arches of lapa. The other two are on the same street, Av. Gomes Freire (thats the next street after Carioca da Gema, that crosses Ave. Men de Sá), if you turn left, there is Dama; if you choose make a right, a couple of blocks down, there is Memórias. All with good food, live music and people

- Also in Lapa (has anyone noticed how I love that area?), there is an amazing show tonight. I'm dying because I won't be able to go, since I've already plans for the night, and I had already seen this show twice. Lenine, a great composer and singer, will be performing at Circo Voador (just below the arches). He is from Pernambuco, but have lived in Rio all his life. Tickets R$ 24.

- On the south zone, check Casa da Matriz. No matter which party they have, is good, for those that like alternative music, which a good audience. More info on their website - www.casadamatriz.com.br
- the last one: Samba schools have already started their reharshals and choosing their songs for next year parade. For tonight, I'd reckon three: Mangueira (Rua Visconde de Niterói - Maracanã) / Salgueiro (Rua Silva Teles - Tijuca) / Vila Isabel (av. 28 de setembro - Vila Isabel) . Take a taxi and say you want to go to "quadra da Mangueira / Salgueiro / Vila Isabel". Tickets cost around R$ 10 - 20

thats all for now!

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